Better Portfolio Construction
Sherpa Funds Technology helps fund managers build better portfolios using a process-driven approach to systematic portfolio construction. Our unique approach utilizes advanced computational technology and a rigorous focus on process improvement to help deliver the best expression of our client’s Alpha.

Optimal Risk Sizing
More of the Risk You Want, Less of the Risk You Don’t

A systematic approach to portfolio construction helps managers better express their Alpha while controlling risk. ORS creates robust optimal portfolios whilst meeting all investor requirements.

Sherpa focuses on bringing objectivity and clarity to the portfolio construction process. Our expertise understanding and refining the full process helps clients realize the value in systematic portfolio construction.

The ORS engine ensures resulting portfolios preserve their Alpha while fulfilling all objectives and constraints. This enhances portfolio returns from your Alpha while mitigating critical downside risk.
The ORS Difference
Sherpa Funds Technology has helped fund managers across industry verticals refine their portfolio decision making process. ORS constructs better portfolios that let managers take more of the risk they want, less of the risk they don’t.
ORS portfolios increase returns when you’re right – on average 200-400 bps per annum better returns.
Our patented computational approach creates robust portfolios with lower draw-downs. ORS limits downside risk when your ideas don’t perform as anticipated.
Sherpa works with clients to create a replicable, consistent portfolio construction process. This streamlines building new investment products, onboarding new Alpha sources and creating portfolios for different client risk tolerances.
Sherpa Funds Technology Overview
Based in Singapore, Sherpa Funds Technology (SFT) is a service provider to the global institutional fund management industry.

SFT works with hedge funds, long-only managers, insurance companies, sovereigns, wealth managers and more. Our clients trust Sherpa to help improve returns, control risk and improve their portfolio construction process.

ORS combines operational processes, business logic and an advanced maths engine. As with all data-driven (A.I. type) approaches, it is important to ask the right questions of the models. Sherpa has deep expertise in this.

Low-overhead technology design lets our clients utilize our portfolio construction expertise and patented computational engine without any complex installations. As a result, managers can spend less time on tech and more time on their core business.